Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Rare Chest Mogging Lists

Follow me on twitter @PhatLewtsGold for more gold making tips!

Let me preface this a bit.  When I was on my alt in <Power Word Guild> on Lightbringer [A], I was mousing through the cloth chests when I stumbled upon Black Velvet Robes:

They were for sale for a measly 10 gold.  Since they were Rare BoE's, they were on no current mogging lists on Power Word: Gold (which are the ones that I use for greens) or elsewhere.  In less than 48 hours I flipped these robes for 2500g.  Forget the price right now, but this made me realize that there should be some buyout lists for Rare Chests in Auctionator, maybe even shoulders and pants, but that's for another day.  My list is comprised of BoE Rare chests.

How I Made my Lists
Basically I moused through wowhead, and searched through rare chests with 2 filters: BoE and not made by a profession.  From that pool I clicked through through and chose the good looking ones, and ones that could possibly compete with my common mogging list items.  With out further Ado, here are the lists I came up with!  Enjoy!

***Rare Cloth
Beguiler Robes
Black Velvet Chest
Black Velvet Robes
Chan's Imperial Robes
Demonweave Raiment
Egg-Warming Blanket
Elemental Raiment
Funeral Pyre Vestment
Mechbuilder's Overalls
Necrology Robes
Noble's Robe
Robe of the Crimson Order
Robe of the Magi
Shroud of Spiritual Purity

***Rare Leather
Bulge-Concealing Breastplate
Chestguard of the Dark Stalker
Chestguard of the Talon
Demon-Cured Tunic
Fumblub's Seat Cushion
Greenhealer's Garb
Pristine Glowbear Pelt
Quillward Harness
Skystalker's Tunic
Spirewind Fetter
Starsight Tunic
Wolffear Harness
Ymirjar Physician's Robe

***Rare Mail
Archon Chestpiece
Avenger's Armor
Aviary Guardsman's Hauberk
Bonebrace Hauberk
Breastplate of Rapid Striking
Condor-Bone Chestguard
Demon-Forged Hauberk
Double Link Tunic
Drakescale Hauberk
Dreamwalker Armor
Hauberk of Totemic Rage
Martyr's Chain
Scarlet Chestpiece
Val'kyr Vestments

***Rare Plate
Agin's Crushing Carapace
Breastplate of Blade Turning
Chestguard of Illumination
Demon-Forged Chestguard
Drakescale Breastplate
Hydralick Armor
Patina-Coated Breastplate
Slatesteel Breastplate

If you copy from and including *** to the end of the list you can paste it into auctionator's import tab.  For more on doing this, check out This video starting at 3:00 (props to Jim from PW:G for this video).  If you don't like that it's in 4 seperate lists, have no fear!  You can condense all 4 lists into 1 as follows:

*** Rare Gear
Agin's Crushing Carapace
Archon Chestpiece
Avenger's Armor
Aviary Guardsman's Hauberk
Beguiler Robes
Black Velvet Chest
Black Velvet Robes
Bonebrace Hauberk
Breastplate of Blade Turning
Breastplate of Rapid Striking
Bulge-Concealing Breastplate
Chan's Imperial Robes
Chestguard of Illumination
Chestguard of the Dark Stalker
Chestguard of the Talon
Condor-Bone Chestguard
Demon-Cured Tunic
Demon-Forged Chestguard
Demon-Forged Hauberk
Demonweave Raiment
Double Link Tunic
Drakescale Breastplate
Drakescale Hauberk
Dreamwalker Armor
Egg-Warming Blanket
Elemental Raiment
Fumblub's Seat Cushion
Funeral Pyre Vestment
Greenhealer's Garb
Hauberk of Totemic Rage
Hydralick Armor
Martyr's Chain
Mechbuilder's Overalls
Necrology Robes
Noble's Robe
Patina-Coated Breastplate
Pristine Glowbear Pelt
Quillward Harness
Robe of the Crimson Order
Robe of the Magi
Scarlet Chestpiece
Shroud of Spiritual Purity
Skystalker's Tunic
Slatesteel Breastplate
Spirewind Fetter
Starsight Tunic
Val'kyr Vestments
Wolffear Harness
Ymirjar Physician's Robe

Using This List
To use this list just go to the list and hit "search all".  If you have the condensed list, it will take a while, but is well worth it!  Using this list with mogit will help you determine what price threshold you can buy for, and it will be wonderful.  Champagne will rain from the heavens, and you will be hailed a mogging god!!

Hope this helped streamline a bit of your gold making from mogging, good luck!


Phat Lewts


  1. would it be possible for this to be converted to a TUJ table?

    1. Honestly have no clue, I use TUJ but I don't pay for the sub because I'm cheap, nor do I use some of the more advanced features. Hopefully someone who's reading the article can shed some light on this.


    2. This will work for TUJ, just a notice that the items are available on the Auction House.

      Agin's Crushing Carapace: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|37792|0|o|
      Archon Chestpiece: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|7759|0|o|
      Avenger's Armor: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|1488|0|o|
      Aviary Guardsman's Hauberk: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|37800|0|o|
      Beguiler Robes: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|7728|0|o|
      Black Velvet Chest: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|54331|0|o|
      Black Velvet Robes: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|2800|0|o|
      Bonebrace Hauberk: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|14536|0|o|
      Breastplate of Blade Turning: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31136|0|o|
      Breastplate of Rapid Striking: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31286|0|o|
      Bulge-Concealing Breastplate: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|37770|0|o|
      Chan's Imperial Robes: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|17050|0|o|
      Chestguard of Illumination: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31152|0|o|
      Chestguard of the Dark Stalker: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31295|0|o|
      Chestguard of the Talon: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31285|0|o|
      Condor-Bone Chestguard: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|37780|0|o|
      Demon-Cured Tunic: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31172|0|o|
      Demon-Forged Chestguard: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31168|0|o|
      Demon-Forged Hauberk: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31170|0|o|
      Demonweave Raiment: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31174|0|o|
      Double Link Tunic: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|54757|0|o|
      Double Link Tunic: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|1717|0|o|
      Drakescale Breastplate: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31155|0|o|
      Drakescale Hauberk: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31156|0|o|
      Dreamwalker Armor: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|13123|0|o|
      Egg-Warming Blanket: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|44668|0|o|
      Elemental Raiment: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|9434|0|o|
      Fumblub's Seat Cushion: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|44666|0|o|
      Funeral Pyre Vestment: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|12542|0|o|
      Greenhealer's Garb: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|37745|0|o|
      Hauberk of Totemic Rage: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31127|0|o|
      Hydralick Armor: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|13067|0|o|
      Martyr's Chain: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|3416|0|o|
      Mechbuilder's Overalls: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|9508|0|o|
      Necrology Robes: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|2292|0|o|
      Noble's Robe: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|63345|0|o|
      Noble's Robe: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|3019|0|o|
      Patina-Coated Breastplate: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|37672|0|o|
      Pristine Glowbear Pelt: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|51958|0|o|
      Quillward Harness: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|10583|0|o|
      Robe of the Crimson Order: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31297|0|o|
      Robe of the Magi: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|1716|0|o|
      Scarlet Chestpiece: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|10328|0|o|
      Shroud of Spiritual Purity: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31282|0|o|
      Skystalker's Tunic: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31562|0|o|
      Slatesteel Breastplate: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|31578|0|o|
      Spirewind Fetter: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|9406|0|o|
      Starsight Tunic: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|54671|0|o|
      Starsight Tunic: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|12988|0|o|
      Val'kyr Vestments: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|44697|0|o|
      Wolffear Harness: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|4356|0|o|
      Ymirjar Physician's Robe: Available Buyout Quantity over 0.|4356|0|o|

  2. Awesome Phat! I look forward to adding this list to my mogging arsenal. Thanks for taking the time to put this together!

  3. So I was reading this list, and then I noticed one of the plate pieces dropped for me recently and is sitting in the bank.

    So great list(s) and many thanks :D


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