A while back I posted a few twinking searches for level 77 twinks. The idea here is that at level 77 you can get your hands on some ridiculously OP Cataclysm BoEs and melt faces in BGs till you ding 80 and move up to the 80-84 bracket. Since many mains will have hit the point in the expansion where they "can't get better", we may see an influx of alts coming in that will buy this stuff up like candy.
Today I'm going to expand on my original list, and suggest some pricing points which I believe will work on almost any server. I have done this across 3 servers ranging from Low-High Population, so this has a lot of potential for any server. That being said, this method is really dependent on the prices that this gear is already going for on your server. So here is the Auctionator list that I use for looking for Cata Twink Gear:
***Cata Twink Gear
What do these searches do?
- Armor/77/77/i272/ and Weapon/77/77/i272/
- These searches look for items usable by only level 77's of minimum ilevel 272
- This is your bread and butter of this market. These weapons provide the longest term usage over the 77-79 range where cataclysm armor is available to newbies.
- This is the fastest of the turnover rates.
- NEVER buy anything called Dreadmaul _________ of the Tiger. This is plate gear with agility and hit as stats DON'T DO IT!
- Pricing - I price these at 499g99s99c across the board, I only buy at 250g or less.
- Armor/78/78/i300 and Armor/78/78/i300
- These 2 searches will look for a select few items. These items are of rare quality and are usable by level 78s and up. These are the only Cata level 77-79 Rare BoE items.
- Depending on your server there may be an overabundance of these, or none at all.
- The best selling item in this group for me across 3 servers hands down is Alpheus Legguards.
- Pricing - I price these at 999g99s99c across the board. I tend to buy at prices up to 750g when there is only one on the AH (but in general I would suggest no more than 300-400g).
This isn't a get rich quick scheme. If you have gold laying around that you don't have invested in anything, this is a great investment! I have used it to make tens of thousands of gold on servers I rarely play on, and see this as a GREAT way to build your capital through high returns! If you're interested in seeing a breakdown of my personal returns from this method check out my recent post. I find this method to have very little time invested for the great return you get, and it's an amazing asset to add to one's gold arsenal.
Phat Lewts
I noticed you have this market on Lightbringer locked down. How do you manage to get everything? lol
ReplyDeleteIt's all about timing. Once I scanned the AH for 77 armor right before I got in a queue and all the 77 gear was over my pricing threshold of 250g. After I got out of the queue (about 30 mins later) I accidentally hit the scan again when I meant to switch to the 77 Weapons, and found 3 different pieces for under 20g each. No rhyme or reason to it, just need to catch that one guy after he gets out of the dungeon where he just won 3 lucky rolls, and thinks they're valueless!
DeleteFor Lightbringer in particular, I just do regular scans, and I log into that character once or twice a day at most. One thing I forgot to put in the post which is really important is to put these on a 48 hour auction!!! They're the set it and forget it of gold making strategies!
I accidentally did buy some Agility Plate once, fortunately someone else made the same mistake I did