- Inferno Ruby Cuts - Of course. Selling nonstop and still going.
- Ember and Burning Shadowspirit Diamond - Other cuts too, but these two in particular are constantly flying off the shelf. Had 45 on my posting alt and had to craft more this morning because of the demand! Gotta love those casters!
- Ebonsteel Belt Buckle - May seem like an obvious choice, but the price really skyrocketed on these and I made and sold a lot more than I expected to on the first few days, mostly based on the wide array of belts released this patch.
- Enchants - Unfortunately I wasn't willing to go the extra mile and make scrolls from my enchanting mats from my Elementium Shuffle, but I did make a pretty good profit on the mats, meaning the scrolls must be going for all the more.
- Vicious Armor Sets - I crafted the cloth and plate sets of these figuring I would have little or no competition on the AH, and I didn't, but they also didn't sell. PvP gear with honor for the week off between seasons must have been too alluring for alts.
- Glyphs - I have a scribe, but I'm not an inscription man. I don't post glyphs at all but when I was looking for a Glyph of Fireball for my newly minted fire mage, and saw none on AH I was disappointed to see there were none in AH and couldn't even get a scribe to craft one for 150g, my mats. It's a recipe learned through Northrend Research, and one that should have been posted since Fire Mages were super buffed this patch. Poor showing by my servers scribes!