Download the App File
Go to
In the top right of your screen click User Login and either log in or create a new account.
I'm going to let you figure the rest of logging in from there. YOU CAN DO IT!
Once you're logged in, click the Desktop App dropdown, and choose Overview/Download:
I would never suggest you skip to the bottom and click the download link, so carefully read everything on the page, then skip to the bottom when you get bored and click the download link. I'm doing this on Windows, but the setups are similar for Mac.
Next, you're going to open the .zip file you just downloaded. Inside will be the TSM App. Isn't she a beaut!?
To install the App, just drag it where you want it installed. I keep mine on my desktop in a folder called TSM.
Fancy! |
Log in to the app using your login you just created or already had:
My password is SapuIsAwesome94 |
Hit GO! It's exciting!
Hit OK to accept the TOS without reading it!
You're finally to the app! Now to set it up!
Setting up the TSM App