Sunday, December 22, 2013

Phat's Yearly Lewt Review 2013

Hey everyone! It's that time of year, every thing is winding down, and I hope the holidays and New Year find you well! Last year, for the first time, I took a survey from my readers on things I could do to improve the blog in the upcoming year. I've implemented many of those suggestions since, and I hope they've come across well. Again this year I'll be asking you all to fill out the survey to give me feedback and help me make improvements in the upcoming year. One of the things I changed was the layout, as well as writing posts on many of the suggested themes/ideas suggested in my free response section.

The free response is some of the best data I can get from you as far as qualitative assessment of the blog, so if you have any ideas, please pitch them! I'm also doing a sort of demographic survey this year as far as how much gold people have, so I can see what my audience's gold range is. I really appreciate everyone who took the time to provide me feedback last year, and I would really appreciate it if you will take just 5 minutes to complete this brief survey.

Phat's Yearly Lewt Review Survey 2013

I hope you all enjoy the holidays, it's been a great 2013, and I look forward to seeing you all in 2014, hopefully with lots of WoD!


Phat Lewts

1 comment:

  1. Finally decided to take the time to fill out my first ever survey. Just because it was yours and because of the great work you have done for us gold makers!

    Thank you for all your work and effort


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